Daffodil Walk
A pleasant walk particularly in spring when daffodils planted by Floral Friends of Frampton are in bloom. After visiting the churchyard in Frampton Cotterell, cross the River Frome and walk across the fields towards Iron Acton before returning via Frampton End Road. Distance 2.6 miles.
Start at corner of Church Road and Frampton End Road.
Walk down Church Rd toward Church, passing Daffodils on grass bank and opposite Barber’s.
Go through gap in wall after house 288 to Church Close. Follow road back to Church Rd.
Continue to Church, passing daffodils on both sides of road.
Walk up St Peter's Church path, going left of church to exit graveyard via the old Village Pound gate.
Turn Right into Mill Lane and then, just after house number 4, turn Right to go through farm gate (close it after).
Go over R. Frome, through small gate (or over stile) and over next stile.
Turn left and follow wooden fence to top of field. (See Short Cut 1)
Look for gap in hedge to go over stile and turn Right.
Follow hedge for about 120 metres; then round corner to Right for about 60 metres. Ignore gateway on Right and follow edge of field (path is several metres from hedge).
At next corner, turn Right into mud lane. Follow this to its end.
Turn Left into Hover's Lane and continue for a few hundred metres (past kissing gate on right and farm gate on left), looking for farm gate on right – go through gap next to gate onto gravel area. (See Short Cut 2)
Continue straight ahead over gravel area, going left to follow edge of field (crop) with hedge on your Left.
Look for Kissing gate on Left and go through this. Follow trodden path through horse fields and over 3 stiles to exit beside house and turn Right into Frampton End Rd (listen & watch for cyclists approaching silently from behind).
After another house on Left, turn Left through gate then Right along path and through another gate into field. Exit field through ridged gap on right, to turn left onto Frampton End Lane.
Follow Frampton End Lane (or follow edge of field a little way ahead for a short way, if not overgrown with crops) and continue past junction on your left.
As road bends sharply to right, go straight ahead into field. Walk ahead on trodden path.
Over stile, along shaded alley and over another stile.
Continue along edge of field (behind houses) and take 2nd footpath on Right. (1st footpath is also OK)
Turn Left into Frampton End Road; continue to Café at end: TAKE CARE crossing Church Rd.
Short Cut 1.
Go straight forward to gate ahead and then up wooded embankment.
Turn left to follow path (past iron mines in woods) and look for exit on right into field.
Follow edge of field, going straight ahead across field to gate (optional diversion to corner of field to see flooded iron mine); cross next field to gap/gate. Continue straight to exit by stile.
Turn right into Frampton End Rd and follow to end.
Take care crossing Church Rd to café.
Short Cut 2.
Turn Right into Hover’s lane and follow to end.
Turn right into Frampton End Rd and follow to end.
Take care crossing Church Rd to café.
Using the map. The map shows the main walk in yellow and alternative routes in red. The Start/End point is marked with a yellow diamond and points of interest on the route are marked with a red pin. Click on a red pin to see descriptions and photos.
Use the +/- buttons at the bottom of the map to zoom in or out. Use the icon at the top right of the map to get a full screen image.